RMP440 Flex Omni

The RMP 440 Flex Omni can move in any direction without needing to turn, while also carrying the largest payload of any Segway RMP product

Segway RMP 440 Flex Omni – Our Highest Max Payload

The RMP 440 Flex Omni seems to float across the ground. Its four Mecanum wheels allow it to move in any direction without needing to turn — and it can turn in place just as easily as it can drive sideways. It’s ideal for applications where payload orientation is the primary concern.

Whether you’re transporting heavy payloads, maneuvering sensors or operating robotic manipulators, the RMP 440 Flex Omni can quickly and efficiently orient your equipment to meet your requirements.

The RMP 440 Flex Omni leverages all of the redundant safety features of the Segway® Personal Transporter (PT) and is powered by five lithium-ion batteries. It has a run time of ~8 hours of operation or ~24 hours in standby. The 440 Flex Omni comes with four Mecanum wheels which allow it to move in any direction without needing to turn. The RMP 440 Flex Omni is capable of moving payloads up to 450 kg (1000 lbs).


RMP440 Flex Omni

  • Motion in Any Planar Direction
  • Rigid Wheels for High Payload
  • Efficient Propulsion System
  • Easily Configurable Length and Width


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